الجمعة، 7 نوفمبر 2014

solution for keyboard and touchpad not working due to Avast antivirus

This solution for people who after installing Avast antivirus get problem that keyboard and touch pad not working 

before steps get backup file from registry by this steps:
1.open Run and type "regedit.exe"
2.open file then export
3. select the place where you will save the backup file of registry and named it registry_backup

Do this steps:

  1. Go to your Start menu and click “Run…”
  2. In the Run box that opens, type “regedit” and press Enter.
  3. In the new window that opens, click the “Edit” menu, then “Find.”
  4. In the find filed, type “kbdclass” and press enter.
  5. The registry editor will now search for any key that has “kbdclass” in it. What you are looking for is any that have a name of “UpperFilters” and a data of ” something_random_here kbdclass” You may need to go to “Edit,” “Find Next” if the search finds something else first.
  6. Once you find the key, double click on it, and edit the text so that it includes only “kbdclass”. Press OK.
  7. Continue searching (using the “Edit” and “Find Next” menu) until you have found and edited all of the “UpperFilters” keys. Again, all should have a data filed that includes only “kbdclass”.
  8. Close the registry editor.
  9. Go to the device manager, find your keyboard in the list (which should still be reporting a “Code 39″ error), and uninstall it.
  10. You should then restart your computer, and with any luck, your keyboard will work upon rebooting.
this solution from this website "manual steps" : 

I 'll answer any questions as I know :)

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